Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Goodbye Grandma

So today was the burial of my maternal grandma. The last one left.
Till the end, always positive and smiling even in her sleep.
It's weird. I was numb throughout the whole weekend and I was so sure that I wouldn't shed a tear.
If anything, I felt guilty I wasn't as devastated as when my other grandma passed away.
I still tear up when I drive by the elderly apartment next to my house.

I guess she's in a better place after 14 years, bedridden in a nursing home. No one could have passed more peacefully.

I've realized recently- the two things I feared the most in my formative years have passed and it was not quite as horrible as I imagined.
Death of a loved one and heartache.
Life goes on I suppose. Isn't it GRAND?????????

Which makes me think. Do guys go through these only-in-your-twenties-introspective-ah-ha moments??? Maybe this is why I don't mind aging even if "my stock is going down." :) Seriously, kind of excited for the big 3-0....


  1. I love you.
    Like I said, you are wise beyond your years!
    Can't wait to embrace 3-0 with you...I wonder how we will be...
